Acne Issues in Mom and Baby During Breastfeeding
Are you struggling with acne while breastfeeding? There are natural products you can use, to take care of acne during breastfeeding! Some Moms notice acne outbreaks during the first few months after childbirth; this can include pimples on the face or all over the body.
Breastfeeding and Body Acne
Are you struggling with acne while breastfeeding? You can use natural products to take care of acne during breastfeeding!
Some Moms notice acne outbreaks during the first few months after childbirth, including pimples on the face or all over the body.
This post-prenancy acne is entirly normal. Acne after giving birth will most likely disappear once your hormones have settled down a bit.
Acne after childbirth can take a few weeks to a few months to clear. On this page, we will also discuss acne in the breastfed baby.
The Cause of Acne While Breastfeeding
What Causes Acne in Mom during Breastfeeding?
- It could be hormonal - related to the hormones that are produced during breastfeeding, but it is primarily due to hormones that return to normal after giving birth. Most Moms have acne post-pregnancy, whether they are breastfeeding or not.
- Stress - Usually, when a new baby is introduced into an already busy lifestyle, it can cause additional stress. Try to relax as much as possible and get as much help around the house or with the kids as possible.
- Dehydration - Many Moms forget that they need to stay extra hydrated during breastfeeding. When your skin becomes dehydrated, it will start to retaliate! Drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

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Safe Meds for Acne While Breastfeeding
Acne MEDs and Topical Creams that are Safe during Breastfeeding
Oral medications are not recommended, as these can put Mom and Baby at risk for thrush.
- Most topical acne products applied to the skin are safe during breastfeeding because they are found in minimal amounts in the bloodstream and are hardly ever found in breast milk. There are a few exceptions to this rule; always ask your doctor first.
- The best topical acne treatments while breastfeeding are products that contain Benzoyl peroxide or Salicyclic acid; the skin does not absorb thesethe skin does not absorb these.
- Azelex (azelaic acid) is another topical acne treatment that is safe while breastfeeding.
Natural Acne Remedies
Alternative Methods to Getting Rid of Acne
- The best and safest way to handle acne during breastfeeding is to try natural products and methods. Remedies-for-skin is a site with all-natural recipes for skin care. There you will find natural cleansers, moisturizers, toners, essential oils for oily skin, and much more.
- You can also use your breast milk and apply it twice daily for acne relief. Breast milk is antibacterial and contains healing properties. Breast milk contains Lauric acid, which has acne-fighting properties; without producing skin irritation and redness.
- Using a gentle baby wash on your face can be pretty effective and won’t harm you owon'tr baby.
What Causes Acne on the Breast While Breastfeeding?
I've got Pimples on my Nipples!
Acne on the breast while breastfeeding can be caused by several factors, including hormonal changes in the body, friction, irritation from clothing, and bacteria that can become trapped in the hair follicles on the breast.
The hormones that are released during breastfeeding can cause an increase in oil production, which can lead to clogged pores and the formation of pimples. Friction and irritation from clothing, such as tight-fitting bras, can also contribute to the development of acne on the breast. Bacteria, such as Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, can also become trapped in the hair follicles on the breast, leading to the formation of red, swollen pimples.
Breast pimples can also be caused by improper sucking (check your latch). A pimple or blister on the nipple may be a blocked duct or a nipple bleb.
Breast acne that seems like a rash may indicate a yeast infection.
Baby Acne
Breastfeeding and Acne in Baby?
- Acne neonatum, breastfeeding acne, is the acne cause by the mother's excess hormones in mother's breast milk. The hormones are transferred to a baby through the milk and can cause the baby’s sebaceous glands to ovbabysuce sebum, clogging the pores and causing pimples.
- This acne is usually visible from the first few weeks of life until about three months postpartum.
- This acne usually does not require medical treatment and should disappear independently.
- The occurrence of birth acne is more common in boys than in girls.
- This acne is usually situated on the Baby’s cheeks, near theBaby's, chin, forehead, or scalp.
- Lotions and oils might worsen the condition and should be avoided. You can use a facial cleanser that is specially made for babies. You can also use your breast milk, as mentioned above.
- Should I stop breastfeeding? The benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the temporary inconvenience of acne.