Can You Overfeed a Breastfed Baby?
Regular feeding is a natural behavior. Mothers need to be aware of the fact that breastfeeding is not just about nourishment, it is also about bonding, warmth, comfort, affection... breastfeeding has been proven to decrease anxiety and pain too.

Table of Contents
- Can you overfeed a baby who is breastfed?
- How often should a breastfed baby nurse?
- How long should each breastfeeding session last?
- Is Baby overfeeding on expressed breast milk or formula?
- Normal weight gain
- Preventing obesity
- The exception - Signs of overfeeding a baby
"My friend says that I'm over-feeding my newborn baby because babies should only have to nurse every 3 hours..."
"I think my baby is spitting up this much because I'm over-breastfeeding him..."
"My baby keeps wanting to breastfeed, am I breastfeeding too much?"
These are the common concerns and insecurities of breastfeeding mothers. Many exclusively breastfeeding mothers worry that their babies are plumper than most.
Can a baby drink too much breast milk? The answer is no, not if your baby receives milk at the breast. If you are bottle-feeding, you can overfeed your baby on breast milk. (Read more below)
Unlimited access to the breast is recommended. Doing this will ensure that you produce just the right milk for your baby. So, follow your baby's lead!

Why You Cannot Overfeed a Breastfed Baby
1. Regular feeding is a natural behavior. Mothers need to be aware that breastfeeding is not just about nourishment; it is also about bonding, warmth, comfort, and affection... Breastfeeding has been proven to decrease anxiety and pain too. Baby needs Mom's closeness just as much, or even more than the milk sometimes.
2. The weight of a baby is primarily determined by genetics. If you or your husband were fat babies, chances are your babies will be too.
3. Breastfeeding protects your baby against adult obesity. A big breastfed baby will not necessarily become an obese adult; research claims that a breastfed baby is less likely to become obese later in life. (2)
4. When babies become mobile from 4-6 months onward, they stretch out and lose some of the "baby weight." The fat gained during infancy will be used during the active toddler period.
5. Limiting your baby’s feeds will restrict growth and brain development.
6. It takes more effort for a baby to breastfeed than to bottle feed.

How Often Should I Nurse My Baby?
Your milk is produced on a supply and demand principle. The more your baby drinks, the more milk will be produced. It is best to watch your baby for hunger signals, not the clock. There is no need to time your baby at the breast; allow them to stay on one breast for as long as they seem interested. After this, you can burp your baby and try offering the other breast. If your baby doesn't take the second breast during that feeding session, it's okay! Your body will regulate how much milk you need to produce. During the next feeding, you can start your breastfeeding session with the full breast, the breast that was least emptied previously.
Together, you and your baby will work something out, but on average, your baby should breastfeed eight times every 24 hours during the first couple of weeks. Breastfed babies need to breastfeed often because:
- They have a teeny tiny tummy.
- Breast milk is so easily digested. Breast milk has no empty calories; it is the perfect food.
You can breastfeed your baby for as long and as often as your baby wants; your baby will not become spoiled, but instead, they will be reassured - with the knowledge that you are always there for them. Breastfeeding on demand is recommended. Also known as "responsive feeding," "baby-led," or "cue feeding."
After a few weeks, a baby will have acquired the skill of breastfeeding and will nurse more aggressively, which means more extended periods between feedings.
How Long Should Each Breastfeeding Session Last?
The average feeding session lasts 10 - 40 minutes, but there is no specific time a baby has to spend at the breast because all babies are different. Some babies prefer to breastfeed for only a few minutes, while others will breastfeed for almost an hour and longer if they love to comfort feed.
If your baby seems to be constantly breastfeeding, you should contact your midwife. Getting hold of your local la Leche league would be a good idea, too; their services are free.
- The National Breastfeeding Helpline is 0300 100 0212.
Can You Overfeed Your Baby on Expressed Breast Milk or Formula?
Yes, here is why...
The milk flows easily and continuously when a baby drinks from a bottle. During breastfeeding, on the other hand, your baby has to use 40 facial muscles to get the milk to flow, and your milk has times when it flows slower, so it's not a constant fast flow like an artificial nipple. This will cause your baby to receive more milk than needed before they realize their tummy is full. Also, parents are likely to empty the milk bottle, whereas if the baby were in control at the breast, they would stop when satiated. (1)
For mothers who have to feed via the bottle, paced feeding is recommended to prevent overfeeding a baby.

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Normal Weight Gain
Giving your baby food or drink before six months is unnecessary and can cause excessive weight gain.
Breastfeeding baby weight gains that are normal during the first year:
- 4-7 ounces (between 112-200g) per week for the first month.
- 1-2 pounds (1/2 to 1kg) per month for the first six months.
- One pound (1/2 kg) per month from six months to a year.
Mothers must be aware that there are growth charts that are made explicitly for breastfed babies.
Preventing Obesity
Breastfeed for as long as you can. It is recommended to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months and then continue solids while breastfeeding for another six months.
- After six months, you should offer the breast and then the solids. This is so your baby first gets most of their calories and vitamins from the best source.
- Never force your child to eat. Let your little one eat when they are hungry.
- Allow your little one to play and move around as much as possible.
Overfeeding Babies - The Exception to the Rule
How do I know if my breastfed baby Is overfed?
When a mother has an oversupply of milk, she might be overfeeding her baby on lactose! If this is the case, here are the signs of overfeeding baby:
- Your baby is choking on the breast.
- Your baby is cranky after feedings.
- Your milk usually squirts all over the place.
- Your baby has green, explosive, mucousy stools.
- An overfed baby will have excessive gassiness.
Oversupply can result in a more rapid weight gain, but this is not a cause for concern unless it bothers mom and baby. If this is you, block feeding is the solution. See how to fix a foremilk-hindmilk imbalance (lactose overload).
1. Opportunities for the Primary Prevention of Obesity during Infancy
Ian M. Paul, MD, MSc,1 Cynthia J. Bartok, Ph.D.,2 Danielle S. Downs, Ph.D.,2 Cynthia A. Stifter, Ph.D.,2 Alison K. Ventura, Ph.D.,3 and Leann L. Birch, PhD2
2. Breastfeeding and childhood obesity--a systematic review.
Institute for Social Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians University, D-81377 Munich, Germany.
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