How to Reduce Oversupply - Too Much Breast Milk
By the six week mark after your baby's birth, you will know whether your body has adapted to your baby's needs and thus if you are genuinely struggling with an oversupply issue.
Some women have an oversupply of breast milk, which may be your crisis! Maybe you are making more milk than your baby needs.
While having too much milk may seem like a good problem to have, the rush of milk from an overfull, engorged breast can make feedings stressful and uncomfortable for both the mother and baby.
Babies may be very fussy in between feedings when there is too much milk. Babies whose mothers have excessive milk gain weight much faster than average and have a few extra dirty diapers daily.
An oversupply of breast milk will result in a baby not getting enough of the essential hindmilk, which contains most of the fat.
Mother can hand express milk to reduce engorgement before feedings.
Quick Page Links
- Do I have an oversupply?
- Why do I have an oversupply?
- How do I reduce my milk supply?
- How do I reduce the fast flow of milk?
- Other issues include leaking, sleeping, colic, and blood in stools.
- Tips for handling extra gassiness in the breastfed baby.
How to Judge if You Have an Oversupply of Milk
By the six-week mark after your baby's birth, you will know whether your body has adapted to your baby's needs and, thus, if you are genuinely struggling with an oversupply issue. If everything is okay except leaking, you don't need to worry too much. Leaking is your body's way of preventing plugged ducts.
You may have oversupply if...
- The baby is often very irritable and restless.
- The baby is fussy during feeds. Your baby may bob on and off the breast and twist their body.
- The baby chokes and makes clicking noises while feeding.
- The baby has frothy, green, mucousy, explosive stools.
- Your baby is excessively gassy.
- You may have an accompanying fast flow of milk and spray your baby's face during feedings.
- Your baby may spit up more frequently than most. You may need to burp them more regularly.
- You may discover a streak of blood in your baby's stools.
- Your baby may only breastfeed when hungry and will not nurse for comfort or to fall asleep.

Oversupply Causes
- Switching your baby to the other breast before they have finished the first breast. Some mothers' breasts are very sensitive to stimulation, and switching back and forth without ever draining a breast well can produce too much milk in both breasts.
- The consumption of too many lactogenic foods.
- Hormone-related issues.
- Oversupply tends to be more of a problem with each birth.
How to Slow Down Milk Production
- Nurse on just one side with each nursing session. Alternate with each feeding. If you need to relieve some pressure, you can pump or hand express just a little. If your baby wants to comfort feed before the next feeding, allow them to stay on that same breast. You can also try block feeding when you nurse only from one side for up to six hours. Make sure you don't keep that side so full that it causes mastitis or pain. The idea is to reduce the supply by removing some demand. You may need to repeat this a few times for results.
- Avoid extra breast stimulation like additional pumping, running warm water on your breasts for a long time.
- Apply cool compresses to the breast.
- Cabbage leaf compresses and herbs also work.
- Sage tea has helped some mothers in reducing milk production.
- Peppermint and thyme tea help to reduce milk production too.
- Other helpful herbs for oversupply.

How to Reduce Milk Ejection Force
- Breastfeed just as your baby is waking from naps. They should suck more gently when sleepy.
- Try lying down while feeding; your baby can let excess milk dribble down from their mouth instead of having to swallow it all. The laid-back breastfeeding position can turn your fire hose into a fountain. ;-)
- Feed your baby before they get too hungry; this will keep them from sucking too hard, which hurts when the nipples are already sore and can cause more nipple damage. How to recognize a baby's hunger cues.
- Spray the extra milk into a towel or cloth before feeding your baby.
Other Oversupply Problems
Leaking breasts
You do not need to have overfull breasts for them to leak, but it is a common problem for mothers with an overabundance of milk. Put gentle pressure on the nipples by pressing your arms tightly against your chest for a few minutes.
Are you struggling to get your baby to nurse to sleep?
This is a common problem for mothers with oversupply issues. As your baby starts to doze off, your breast decides to have a "let-down" (increased milk flow). This may cause your baby to pull off and cry instead of sleeping. If this happens, you can use the tips described above on the let-down page or switch your baby back to the less full breast.

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The colic baby
Most colic issues are caused by oversupply and acid reflux. Both problems are amplified when a baby is fed large meals widely spaced during the day. Frequent, small meals will help to reduce colic symptoms. Babies who are carried in upright positions also experience fewer colic symptoms. Learn more about wearing your baby and Kangaroo Mother Care.
Bloody streaks in the stool
Most doctors say that you can ignore small amounts of blood. Formula-fed babies often have blood in their stools. Sometimes the blood is not always visible.
Save your milk

Milkies Milk-Savers are breast shells that protect your nipples from rubbing and chafing, and the oblong design allows you to collect any excess milk during and in between feedings. This is especially helpful during a let-down when both breasts start leaking. Save every drop of precious breast milk to nourish your baby.
How long is breast milk good for?
- The womanly art of breastfeeding, 8th edition.