Exclusive Breastfeeding We delve into the significance of exclusive breastfeeding, how to make it work, and its many benefits for both mother and child.
Attachment Parenting Babywearing Babywearing can increase a mother's chances of breastfeeding by making it easier for her to keep her baby close, which can promote bonding and help the baby to latch on correctly.
Comfort Feeding Featured Breastfeeding and Tooth Decay Breast milk has immune factors that lessen the presence of unfriendly bacteria, and laboratory tests show human milk does not promote tooth decay.
Growth Spurt Infant Growth Spurts All babies will experience growth spurts, also called “frequency days." Mothers usually assume that they have low milk production during this time. Their babies may demand to be breastfed more often during the day and night and may become very fussy.
Attachment Parenting Do Nursing Vacations Work? If you've faced challenges with low milk output and have explored different methods to enhance it, a nursing vacation could be the solution for you.
Attachment Parenting What Are the Signs of Hunger in Breastfed Babies? All babies are different, and all have different ways of letting their mothers know that they are hungry; as you and your baby get to know one another, you will recognize your baby's unique hunger signals.
Fussy Baby Baby Fusses While Breastfeeding As time goes by, most babies will start to suck stronger and more efficiently. During the first few weeks after birth, a baby may drink up to 40 minutes per feeding but, as time goes by, he/she might only need 10 to 15 minutes at the breast.
Low Milk Supply Featured Signs of Low Milk Supply and How to Increase Milk Production Mothers sometimes use the wrong signs to judge milk supply. Here are some tips on how to determine whether you have low supply.
Fussy Baby Teething Symptoms - How to Tell if Your Baby Is Teething Not all babies experience the terrible teething symptoms, some babies go through it as though nothing is happening. A mother might not even know that her baby is teething, until a tooth starts showing.
Comfort Feeding Featured Is Baby Getting Enough Breast Milk? Since you cannot measure the exact amounts like you can when bottle feeding, it may leave a mother feeling insecure about the amount of milk she is producing.
Comfort Feeding Why Is Comfort Nursing So Very Important? Non-nutritive suckling, also known as comfort sucking, is as vital to any baby as the nutrients received from breast milk. Comfort breastfeeding only becomes a problem when the mother starts to feel overwhelmed.