Attachment Parenting Babywearing Babywearing can increase a mother's chances of breastfeeding by making it easier for her to keep her baby close, which can promote bonding and help the baby to latch on correctly.
Attachment Parenting Featured 4 Incredible Benefits of Co-sleeping While Breastfeeding Is it advisable to co-sleep with a newborn? From both a psychological and biological standpoint, babies are not naturally designed to sleep entirely on their own.
Growth Spurt Infant Growth Spurts All babies will experience growth spurts, also called “frequency days." Mothers usually assume that they have low milk production during this time. Their babies may demand to be breastfed more often during the day and night and may become very fussy.
Cue Feeding Why Is Breastfeeding on Demand (Cue Feeding) So Important? Cue feeding, also known as “breastfeeding on demand" or “baby-led feeding," is when a mother allows her baby to have the breast on request!
Attachment Parenting Featured The Breast Crawl - The First Time You Breastfeed Your Baby The miracle of childbirth is shown here, it shows just how natural breastfeeding actually is. This magical video will help mothers understand, that they can allow their babies to initiate breastfeeding, right from the time that their babies comes into this world.
Attachment Parenting Do Nursing Vacations Work? If you've faced challenges with low milk output and have explored different methods to enhance it, a nursing vacation could be the solution for you.
Low Milk Supply Featured Signs of Low Milk Supply and How to Increase Milk Production Mothers sometimes use the wrong signs to judge milk supply. Here are some tips on how to determine whether you have low supply.
Pumping Power Pumping to Increase Milk Supply Quickly Some mothers may not see the results they are looking for when adding only a few pumping sessions into the mix. If this is you, you might want to consider power pumping.
Cue Feeding Featured Cluster Feeding and Fussy Evenings - Tips and Tricks Cluster Feeding (sometimes called ‘bunch feeding’) is what the word suggests. Feeds that are ‘clustered’ together; this occurrence is normal!
Cue Feeding Baby Keeps Sleeping When Breastfeeding It is natural for babies to fall asleep while breastfeeding due to biological factors. This behavior is mainly driven by a hormone known as cholecystokinin, or CCK, which is released into your baby's gut as they begin to suck. This hormone induces feelings of fullness and drowsiness in your baby.
Latching Issues Cluster Feedings - My Baby Wants to Breastfeed All the Time! These first few weeks will establish your milk supply. Life will get easier, but for now, life may be a little unpredictable. You need to follow your baby's lead.
Bottle Feeding How Much Expressed Milk Should I Feed My Baby? Many studies have shown that a baby’s milk intake does not change much between the age of 1 to 6 months. Your body is so phenomenal that it actually changes the composition and quantity (amount of calories) of your breast milk according to your baby’s needs.
Latching Issues Nipple Confusion, a.k.a Nipple Preference When breastfed babies are given an artificial nipple to drink from, they might become confused and not know how to drink from the breast. These two feeding methods entail entirely different tongue and mouth movements and swallowing skills.