Power Pumping to Increase Milk Supply Quickly
Some mothers may not see the results they are looking for when adding only a few pumping sessions into the mix. If this is you, you might want to consider power pumping.
Power Pumping (PP)

What Is Power Pumping?
Power pumping (also called cluster pumping or super pumping) mimics the sporadic and frequent feeding of an infant going through a growth spurt. During a growth spurt, a baby will feed more often and for longer periods. PP tricks the body into producing more milk by replicating cluster feedings. The more milk you remove, the greater the release of prolactin, the hormone responsible for stimulating milk production.
Always opt for breastfeeding over pumping when possible!
Pumping should never replace the time your baby spends on the breast and should also not replace your regular pumping schedule (the recommended 15 min every 3 hours). Instead, it should be used in addition to everything you are already implementing to increase supply.

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Does Power Pumping Work?
Your breast milk output depends on the principle of supply and demand. Regular removal of milk from the breasts will result in more milk. Some mothers may not see the results they are looking for when adding only a few pumping sessions into the mix. If this is you, you might want to consider power pumping.
What Are the Pros and Cons of Power Pumping?
- It can boost milk production.
- It can help clear clogged ducts.
- Power pumping can be time-consuming as it requires frequent pumping sessions over a short period of time.
- It can be tiring, as it requires a lot of effort.
- Mothers who have hormonal or medical issues related to milk supply might still struggle to produce more milk.
How to Power Pump
Pick an hour each day and use the following pumping plan. The best time to do this is in the mornings, as most women have more milk in their breasts during the early hours of the day. Pump immediately after a breastfeeding session.
For best results, use a double-action pump (pumping both breasts at the same time).

"Pump It Up!" Breastfeeding Course
This online course is designed to help mothers increase their milk supply through pumping. This course is composed of five easy-to-follow lessons that provide step-by-step strategies to help mothers express up to 50% more breast milk in less time.
The course covers essential topics like avoiding common pumping mistakes, implementing effective strategies for doubling pumping output, rapidly increasing milk supply, and proper breast milk storage techniques. Additionally, it offers practical guidance on nutrition to maximize milk supply.
Double-Action PP Schedule
- Pump for 20 minutes, rest for 10 minutes
- Pump 10 minutes, rest for 10 minutes
- Pump for 10 minutes, finish (during the last few minutes of pumping, you may notice that no milk is coming out, this is fine, continue to pump)
Total of 40 minutes of pumping in one hour.
Power Pump With a Single Pump
- Pump for 10 minutes on the right breast,
- Pump 10 minutes on the left breast,
- Pump 10 minutes on the right breast,
- Pump 10 minutes on the left breast,
- Pump 10 minutes on the right breast,
- Pump 10 minutes on the left breast.
How long does it take before you see results? You may see results within 48 hours. Some ladies have found that doing this once per day for three days is enough to increase supply. Others might need to do this for a week before experiencing a noticeable boost in production.
Remember, you don't have to follow a strict pumping schedule, find something that fits in with your life and that is ideal for you.
A Power Pump boot camp involves a weekend of power pumping. This is done only during the day, usually four times per day. It is not necessary to wake up at night; sleep is essential too. Pump immediately after a breastfeeding session.
A Few Power Pumping Tips
- Instead of keeping an eye on the clock, pump while listening to music. Pump for four songs, rest for two songs, pump for two songs, rest for two songs, pump for two songs, and finish. This should make pumping less stressful. The timing does not have to be exact and is only a guideline.
- There will be times when you can only pump 5 minutes at a time, and this is also okay. Any extra milk removed from the breast will help increase the supply.
- Ensure you are physically comfortable while pumping with pillows and blankets. Keep a few snacks and water handy.
- Electric double-action breast pumps are more effective than hand-held, single pumps. Pumping your breasts simultaneously has been found more effective than pumping one at a time.
- Engaging in activities that stimulate the release of Oxytocin while pumping can potentially lead to an increased flow of milk. Watch a few beautiful videos of babies, or watch your baby while they sleep. Studies show that pumping output improves when mothers listen to soothing music while looking at baby pictures.
- Use a good nipple cream after each pumping session to prevent blisters.
- Breast compression while pumping is a great way to get more milk to flow. This method is called hands-on pumping.
- You do not need to wash your pump parts every time you use them. You can use them and keep the parts in the fridge. It's only necessary to wash them once in the evening.
- Use the time while you pump to relax. Paint your nails or watch your favorite series. Pamper yourself.
- Make your own hands-free pumping bra.
- Stay hydrated. Consider drinking things like jungle juice to boost energy levels and hydration.
- Rinse your pump flanges under warm running water. When the warm flanges are placed on the breast, they stimulate the milk flow. Alternatively, a warm facecloth placed on the breast just before pumping will work just as well.
Exclusively Pumping Moms
It could be very stressful for mothers who are exclusively pumping when a specific amount of milk needed is not reached.
Normal Pumping Output
What is a normal pumping output for a breastfeeding mother?
Between ½ and 2 ounces in total per pumping session. Most mothers need to pump three times before they have enough milk for one feeding. It is normal for pumping output to decrease a few weeks after your baby’s birth. Milk supply is always higher during the first few weeks following birth, and then your body regulates the amount of milk needed; therefore, your supply decreases.
Pumping output can also differ from day to day and from hour to hour. To have an occasional low day or low hour is normal.
Things that may decrease pumping output:
- During menstruation or ovulation, a drop in milk production is typical.
- Taking any hormonal birth control can also influence milk supply levels.
- During a growth spurt, your baby may drink more expressed milk than usual. During these times, a mother can offer the breast more frequently and use power pumping.