Signs of Low Milk Supply and How to Increase Milk Production
Mothers sometimes use the wrong signs to judge milk supply. Here are some tips on how to determine whether you have low supply.
Quick Page Links
- Do I have a low milk supply?
- Supply and demand
- Possible reasons for a low milk supply
- How to boost milk production naturally
- Medications that boost supply
- Does breast size matter?
- But my breasts are soft!
- Pumping to increase supply
- Supplemental feeding
- Will I ever have enough milk?
Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?
Assumed low supply is a common breastfeeding problem. But, many mothers struggle with genuine supply issues. On this page, we discuss the reasons why.
See signs that my milk supply has decreased.
How much breastmilk does a newborn need at each feeding?

Mothers sometimes use the wrong signs to judge milk supply. Here are some tips on how to determine whether you have a low supply:
- Weight gain. If your baby is gaining well on breast milk alone, they are getting enough milk.
- Is your baby producing enough wet urine nappies? Learn more about the normal output of stool and urine per week.
It is normal for a newborn baby to first lose weight before gaining. It is likely that your baby will regain birth weight in about two weeks.
First Read:
Understanding how milk production works
Sometimes when a baby starts to drink more than usual and becomes fussy at the breast, the mother might think that her milk supply has gone down. Usually, it has nothing to do with her supply. Many things can cause fussing at the breast.
How to Tell Whether Your Baby is Getting Enough Breast Milk
Supply and Demand
From day nine after birth and onward, your milk supply is controlled by supply and demand; this means that the amount of milk created depends on the amount of milk removed. In other words, the more you breastfeed your baby and express milk (remove milk from the breast), the more you produce. The first few weeks of milk removal are critical and determine how much milk can be produced later. So an early, good start to breastfeeding is therefore very important.

This page will discuss reasons for low milk supply and things you can do while breastfeeding that will increase your milk supply. But firstly, let's pinpoint some of the main reasons for low milk production.
Reasons for Low Milk Supply
- The most common reason is stress. Stress tips for mothers who breastfeed.
- If your baby is not latching on properly, you will not receive enough breast stimulation, which is necessary for optimum milk production. For a more detailed explanation of this, visit the latching on page.
- Breast and nipple shapes can also influence whether or not your baby latches successfully.
- Overuse of a pacifier.
- Using a nipple shield. Using a nipple shield decreases the amount of stimulation at the breast.
- Another primary reason most women are not producing enough milk is that they do not have their babies at the breast long enough or frequently enough.
- The good news is that your milk supply should increase as time goes by. If you need to get back to work, you can continue breastfeeding.
- Insulin-dependent diabetes. Mothers who have diabetes often struggle with low milk supply.
- It is assumed that about 1% of women have physiological trouble, which is usually related to their metabolism; this prevents them from producing enough milk to feed their babies.
- Obesity is a risk factor for delayed milk production and low milk supply.
- When Moms receive intravenous fluid by constant drip, this can lead to edema (swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid in cells, tissues, or serous cavities), which can set back the onset of milk production.
- Breastfeeding problems that a baby might have include mouth and sucking problems, food sensitivities or allergies, and being premature (born before the development of the suck/swallow/breathe reflex).
- Supply-reducing foods and herbs, such as large amounts of mint teas and candies, parsley and sage, and herbs and sour foods, may reduce milk supply.
- Hormonal changes. Sometimes when a woman starts menstruating or falls pregnant, her supply will decrease.
- Taking oral contraceptive pills that contain Oestrogen can lower your milk supply. Learn more about contraceptives and breastfeeding here.
- Smoking can lower your milk supply.

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Other Things That Can Cause Low Milk Supply, but That Are Rare
- Inadequate breast tissue. Learn more about breastfeeding with tubular hypoplastic breasts.
- Breast surgery: namely breast reduction, breast augmentation, and breast reconstruction.
- Anemia (a deficiency of red blood cells) in the mother.
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (ovaries containing many cysts/sores/ulcers/growths) can also create a low supply.
- Sheehan’s Syndrome: When the pituitary gland (master gland of the endocrine system; located at the base of the brain) is temporarily starved of blood due to hemorrhaging during birth and, as a result, no longer produces enough hormones for lactation.
- Retained placenta: If a mother's milk has not "come in" and she continues to experience abnormal bleeding after delivery, she may still be retaining pieces of the placenta within her uterus; this is also possible with a C-section.
- Psychological issues: Some women are incapable of breastfeeding due to preconceived ideas or ideas placed in their minds by their parents and friends. Women who have been molested as children might also struggle with the idea of breastfeeding.
- Hypothyroidism, aka low thyroid hormone, can be corrected with medication and is another possible cause of low milk supply.
Top 10 Foods That Increase Milk Supply
How to Boost Milk Production Naturally
- Milk thistle, Blessed thistle, Fennel seed, Goats Rue, Alfalfa, and Anise seed are sometimes prescribed to increase breast milk. Safe herbs while nursing.
- More frequent feedings at the breast and the use of a pump in-between feedings. A nursing vacation is a great place to start.
- Warm compresses to the breast may help increase the flow of milk.
- Many mothers have found that relaxation and visualization techniques help. There are audios that mothers can listen to that are specially made to help them relax and visualize milk removal.
- Oatmeal has been proven to increase a woman's milk supply. The added iron in your diet will help increase milk production.
- Mother's Milk Tea is a drink for mothers with a low milk supply. It usually contains sweet fennel seed, anise seed, coriander seed, spearmint leaf, lemongrass leaf, lemon verbena leaf, althea root, blessed thistle herb, and fenugreek seed.

- Fenugreek supplement or Fenugreek seeds: This is one of the most fabulous milk-stimulating herbs and can increase your milk supply within 24 hours. (Not for you if you have any nut allergies)
- Drink plenty of water and juices, as fluids are vital for your body's milk production. Having a body armor drink for breastfeeding will replenish essential electrolytes. Jungle juice is a well-known concoction of a few ingredients that can help keep a mom energized and hydrated.
- Breastfeeding requires an extra amount of calories per day. Use our breastfeeding calorie calculator to determine how many extra calories you need.
- To maximize milk production, you can use breast massage. This will increase breast drainage so that the signal to the breast to make more milk is improved. An easy and efficient way to maximize milk removal is to massage the breasts before and during feeding or pumping.
- Breast compression: While the baby is drinking, compress the breast gently but firmly - not too hard; do not hurt yourself!
- Seaweed: Koreans traditionally use seaweed soup as a remedy/tonic for new mothers to help stimulate milk production. The seaweed wraps that are used to make Sushi are just as potent.
- Quinoa: This grain has been used by traditional societies during lactation and is said to boost milk production.
- A lot of skin-to-skin contact, enjoying your baby's sweet face and the feel of their skin, will help your milk flow and help the two of you relax.
- Ensure most of the milk is removed from your breasts after each feeding. If a lot of milk is left in the breasts, it tells the body that it does not need to make as much, leading to a low milk supply.
- Try nipple stimulation. Nipple stimulation releases oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the milk ejection reflex, into the bloodstream.
Lactogenic Foods
Vegan, Gluten-Free Lactation Cookie Recipe
Read more about the different Galactagogues that help with milk production.
Medications That Enhance Milk Production
Domperidone and Reglan. Reglan can produce side effects such as depression, so always check with your breastfeeding-friendly doctor.
Does Breast Size Matter?
No! I have seen mothers with small breasts produce large amounts of milk. Breast size mainly determines the storage capacity, not milk production.
Women with large breasts usually produce milk at slower rates since they can store a lot of milk, while women with small breasts will produce milk at faster speeds to meet the requirements of their babies, who will drain the breasts quickly.
Why Are My Breasts Soft?
During the first few weeks, you would have noticed that your breasts were hard and firm, especially before a feeding. By the six-week mark, you should notice that your breasts feel less full.
Leakage will usually also subside. This happens because supply and demand have been balanced, and your body knows exactly how much milk to produce for your baby. This means that excess milk and fluids are at a minimum and that breastfeeding is most likely running smoothly.
You might also notice that milk "let downs" become less sporadic and occur mostly during feedings, not while doing your grocery shopping ;-)
So what if your breasts never felt full or hard? This is okay, too; some ladies have more "packing space" in their breasts. If your baby is gaining weight and is happy and thriving, chances are you are producing enough milk.

Master Your Milk Supply
Never worry about your milk supply ever again! This is a 5-part video series designed to help breastfeeding mothers maximize their milk production. This course is an excellent resource for mothers who are concerned about their baby not getting enough breast milk, frustrated with minimal pumping results, or fearful of losing their milk supply. The video series offers step-by-step lessons that are available on-demand and accessible across all devices.
Pumping to Increase Milk Supply
- Use an electric pump instead of a hand pump. Hand pumps are helpful for occasional pumping, but many mothers find it arduous and time-consuming if used more than once a day. Use a hospital-grade pump; they work better. Also, buy a hands-free setup for your pump to make things easier for yourself.
- Using hand massage and hand compression while pumping will increase milk volume; it also drains the breast better and faster.
- To boost supply, try to pump every two hours around the clock for a few days.
- Pump for at least 20 minutes per session.
- Always pump after your baby is done nursing.
- About pumps and pumping tips.
- A power-pumping boot camp.
Supplemental Feeding
Bottle feeding can be detrimental in the early days of a nursing relationship. By owning your own supplemental feeding device, you can manage how your baby is supplemented after birth.
The most common devices deliver the supplement to the baby via a small, flexible tube taped or placed on the mother’s nipple. The baby takes the tube and the mother’s nipple into the mouth and receives the supplement while nursing at the breast.
Will I Ever Have Enough Milk?
Low milk supply experts state that the time spent nursing or pumping develops mammary gland and nerve tissue and that this improves the chances of breastfeeding the next baby.
When the second or third child comes along, most mothers with supply issues can fully nurse their babies.
Breastfeeding on demand will increase your chances of a full milk supply.
If despite your hardest efforts, you cannot make a full milk supply, you can still breastfeed! Many mothers breastfeed with partial milk supplies. They supplement to make up for whatever they cannot provide. Every drop of breast milk is beneficial to your baby! That is why it is referred to as liquid gold!
Sometimes with all these measures taken above, you may still have a low milk supply. Depression, anger, and denial are all common reactions to what may come as a blow to the new mother. A lactation specialist or postpartum counselor may be able to help you work through your frustration and depression.
Fenugreek and Black Honey
by Laila (Ky, US)
"A lifesaver!
In Arabic, it's called Helba. And I never even knew the English word for it... lol. Well, when I gave birth to my son, my milk started drying up. My mother-in-law gave me Fenugreek and black honey; ever since then, I've had no problems. I fed my son until he was 2yrs old.
2-3 tbs Fenugreek boiled in a kettle w/
One large mug of water
After putting the drink back in your mug, add two tablespoons of black honey.
No sugar is needed as the black honey is the substitute, it tastes a little strong at first, but you'll get used to it."
Minuscule Amount of Milk
by Liza
"Hi there, I was diagnosed with tuberous breasts eight years ago. I had breast augmentation, and the results we okay. But, anything would have been better than before! I recommend choosing a surgeon who has done a few tuberous breasts if you're considering this.
I felt much better about myself afterward, even though I didn't come out with awesome results.
I just had my first baby. I knew breastfeeding was a long shot, given the deformity and the surgery, but I was still hopeful.
At 32 weeks, I noticed I produced colostrum and was very hopeful! After birth, my baby was very good at latching/sucking. But unfortunately, my milk didn't "come in" as you would typically hear about.
The colostrum did turn a whitish color, so I know I made milk, but the amount was minuscule. My baby cried and cried. I gave up and gave a bottle. She's been happy ever since.
I was so upset and felt like a complete failure. I'm a health professional that encourages breastfeeding. I feel like I always have to defend myself when people ask me about breastfeeding.
It is heartbreaking. But I thank God for my organic baby formula, that my baby is healthy and happy, and that I have so much to be grateful for.
So I trust God with my life and with my baby's life. As mothers, we do the best we can. That's all that's expected of us. We cannot help how are bodies are formed or if we do or don't make milk.
Next time, though, I will try the recommendations in this article to see if it helps (progesterone, thyroid check, pumping, herbs, etc.)."
I Always Wanted to Breastfeed
by Jessica
"I just gave birth to a beautiful boy last Sunday, and I've always wanted to breastfeed, but I'm having so many problems.
Sometimes he does latch on to my breast and does try, but then he gets so angry for some reason and can't seem to do it anymore, so now I'm expressing my milk and giving it to him through a bottle, and I'm scared my milk is not enough.
I can get about 120mls, but that's from both boobs, and I pump three times a day and three times at night, and my baby drinks it all. I'm scared I'm not making enough milk.
Re: Get Some Help & Support
by: Lyssa
"Breastfeeding is natural, but that doesn't mean it always comes naturally to every mom and baby. Sometimes, we need help from a more experienced hand. I strongly suggest contacting a lactation consultant or finding your local "La Leche League" (you can find a group close by googling their website).
It could be he is having trouble latching or just experiencing nipple confusion and preferring the fast-flowing bottle over your breast. I would immediately stop bottle feeding and only breastfeed. If you need to, pump after your feeding and give it to him with a spoon or a syringe to avoid any more preference for the bottle. You can also use an SNS (supplemental nursing system-check google for tips on how to make one at home!).
Baby's tummy is tiny. That means he needs to be fed in small amounts very often. For breastfed babies, this could mean every 45 mins to 3 hours from the start of one feeding to the beginning of the next. Some babies also feed for extended periods, from 10 to 45 mins or more. And some babies use the breast to comfort nurse, or more like a pacifier after eating. 120ml is a lot for a newborn!
Contact a lactation consultant or breastfeeding counselor in your area. They are there to help you and your baby learn to breastfeed. You can do it!"