Food and Diet Related Peppermint and Breastfeeding - Should You Avoid It? Peppermint (Mentha piperita)/Menthol are herbs that are generally avoided while breastfeeding but are sometimes used to treat oversupply or used during weaning and should be avoided in copious amounts during breastfeeding, as it can reduce milk supply.
Latching Issues Sore, Cracked Nipples Sore and cracked nipples are one of the most common reasons why some women give up on breastfeeding. Nipple sensitivity in the beginning (first week or two) is normal, your nipples need to become accustomed to the extra attention.
Attachment Parenting Why Is My Baby Crying? Possible Reasons for Crying You will slowly start to recognize your baby's different crying patterns. As you get to know him/her more, you will develop the capability of predicting your baby’s needs.
Diet What Is the Best Breastfeeding Diet to Follow? Whether you make nourishing your body a priority or not, your body will continue to prioritize milk production. Your baby's needs will be satisfied before yours.
Herbs Taking Marshmallow Root While Breastfeeding Marshmallow root increases milk supply. It doesn't work on its own, however. Marshmallow root is usually combined with other herbs such as Fenugreek.
Things to Avoid Breastfeeding and Pacifiers Early and frequent stimulation of the breast, will ensure that the glandular cells in a mother's breast become fully developed. Pacifier-use may sometimes hamper this from occurring.
Attachment Parenting What Are the Signs of Hunger in Breastfed Babies? All babies are different, and all have different ways of letting their mothers know that they are hungry; as you and your baby get to know one another, you will recognize your baby's unique hunger signals.
Breastfed Baby Stools White Poop Concerned about white stools in your breastfed baby? Discover what this uncommon symptom could indicate, from medications to underlying health conditions, and learn when it's time to consult a pediatrician.
Benefits of Breastfeeding Smoking and Breastfeeding - Should You Stop Breastfeeding? Continuing to breastfeed is generally better than stopping, even if you can't quit smoking. The advantages of breastfeeding usually surpass the risks associated with exposure to cigarette smoke.
Things to Avoid Thrush and Breastfeeding - Symptoms, Causes & Natural Remedies This page will discuss thrush and breastfeeding tips, including advice and natural resources.
Fussy Baby Baby Fusses While Breastfeeding As time goes by, most babies will start to suck stronger and more efficiently. During the first few weeks after birth, a baby may drink up to 40 minutes per feeding but, as time goes by, he/she might only need 10 to 15 minutes at the breast.
Low Milk Supply Featured Signs of Low Milk Supply and How to Increase Milk Production Mothers sometimes use the wrong signs to judge milk supply. Here are some tips on how to determine whether you have low supply.
Fussy Baby Teething Symptoms - How to Tell if Your Baby Is Teething Not all babies experience the terrible teething symptoms, some babies go through it as though nothing is happening. A mother might not even know that her baby is teething, until a tooth starts showing.
Breastfeeding Positions Dangle Feeding - Step-By-Step How to Easily Unclog Milk Ducts Clogged ducts can block the path of milk, which can cause pain, inflammation and may lead to a breast infection and even an abscess. It is imperative that a mother is informed about ways to keep her milk flowing sufficiently and how to quickly get rid of any blockages that may occur.
Sore Nipples Raynaud's Phenomenon Most times, mothers who breastfeed with Raynaud's say that the pain occurs right after their baby has stopped breastfeeding. They say that their nipples turn white and feel as though they are being clamped down by a vice grip.
Herbs Anise and Breastfeeding Anise can help manage issues with the milk glands, such as clogged ducts, by ensuring a steady flow of milk.
Attachment Parenting Supplementary Nursing System Continue to benefit from the bonding experience that breastfeeding offers, even if you have a low milk supply or no milk at all.
Benefits of Breastfeeding Nausea While Breastfeeding - Can Breastfeeding Make You Nauseous? The release of the hormone Oxytocin during milk let-down is what causes nausea. It is the same hormone that is associated with digestion and other gut hormones.
Breastfeeding a Preemie Low Blood Sugar in Newborns Is low blood sugar in newborns serious? It is actually common for babies to have low blood sugar after birth, but breastfeeding early, and often, can prevent and help with low blood sugar in a baby.
Diet The Use of Fennel While Breastfeeding Fennel contains properties akin to the hormone Estrogen, specifically phytoestrogens, making it a galactagogue. It can boost milk flow and production.
Gassy Breastfed Baby Mucus in the Stool Discovering mucus in your baby's diaper isn't always a cause for concern; however, there may be instances where an underlying problem requires attention.
Breastfeeding Positions Upright Breastfeeding Positions For something that is intrinsically ours as women, it sure does take a lot of trial and error for most of us! Finding a breastfeeding position that works for you and your baby is well worth the effort.
Benefits of Breastfeeding Finding Blood In Breastmilk Blood found in breast milk is usually not a serious issue; about 15% of all breastfeeding mothers have blood in their milk, most don't notice it. You may find blood inside your baby’s mouth after breastfeeding, in your baby's spit-up, or in your baby’s stools.
Pumping Power Pumping to Increase Milk Supply Quickly Some mothers may not see the results they are looking for when adding only a few pumping sessions into the mix. If this is you, you might want to consider power pumping.
How Breastfeeding Hormones Work - Oxytocin and Prolactin Oxytocin and Prolactin are the hormones produced during breastfeeding that work together to make milk, establish a letdown, and keep up with the supply and demand of a nursing infant.