colic Featured Colic & Tushbaby A Lifesaver for Colicky Infants: How the Tushbaby Hip Seat Carrier Eases Colic Symptoms and Supports Mothers
Latching Issues Best Online Breastfeeding Courses Master the art of breastfeeding and conquer your milk supply concerns. In this curated selection of courses, we bring you top-notch educational programs designed to empower mothers like you in their breastfeeding journey.
Latching Issues Featured Seven Ways to Slow Your Milk Flow & Cope With a Forceful Letdown Your baby may struggle to stay on the breast when your milk flow is too forceful. This could also cause your baby to swallow large amounts of air while nursing, causing choking at the breast and excessive gassiness.
Gassy Breastfed Baby Featured How Can I Relieve My Baby's Gas? Spitting-up frequently, crying after a feed, trouble falling asleep and excessive fussiness all point to the possibility of trapped air that needs to escape.
Oversupply How to Reduce Oversupply - Too Much Breast Milk By the six week mark after your baby's birth, you will know whether your body has adapted to your baby's needs and thus if you are genuinely struggling with an oversupply issue.
Attachment Parenting Nursing Sling Breastfeeding your baby in a nursing sling is a learned skill, it gets easier as you try and becomes second nature after a while. Breastfeeding a baby in a sling or ‘babywearing’ means sanity for most mothers and makes life a whole lot easier for them.
Colic and the Breastfed Baby Colic Relief Diaper Change Pulling your baby's hips forward might displace the vertebra, leading to nerve issues. As a solution, we recommend a different approach.
Colic and the Breastfed Baby Infant Food Allergies and Sensitivities While Breastfeeding Recent research suggests that the earlier the culprit foods are introduced into the baby's system, the less likely they are to develop an allergy.
Breastfeeding Positions Upright Breastfeeding Positions For something that is intrinsically ours as women, it sure does take a lot of trial and error for most of us! Finding a breastfeeding position that works for you and your baby is well worth the effort.
Delayed Milk Onset The Let-Down-Reflex - Everything a Mom Needs to Know When your baby suckles at the breast, the tiny nerves in your nipple are triggered; these nerve impulses will cause Prolactin and Oxytocin to be released.
Cue Feeding Featured Cluster Feeding and Fussy Evenings - Tips and Tricks Cluster Feeding (sometimes called ‘bunch feeding’) is what the word suggests. Feeds that are ‘clustered’ together; this occurrence is normal!
Gassy Breastfed Baby Featured Breastfed Baby Gas Relief Gas is normal. On average, babies pass gas at least 15 to 25 times daily. Too much air in a baby’s tummy can make them irritable or uncomfortable.
Gassy Breastfed Baby Featured How to Fix Foremilk Hindmilk Imbalance (lactose overload) Usually, when foremilk moves towards the nipple, it will combine with any milk left in the breasts previously; this resulting mixture is the perfect food for any baby. BUT. If you struggle with an oversupply, things could get a little tricky.
Colic and the Breastfed Baby Breastfeeding and Colic Colic is characterized by prolonged crying in an otherwise healthy infant, often peaking during the initial six weeks of life. Generally, it resolves by itself when the baby is around 3 to 4 months old.
Reflux Breastfeeding a Baby With Acid Reflux This problem is regularly dismissed as colic, fortunately nowadays we can actually do something about acid reflux. Acid reflux is usually worse for around 1 – 4 months and stops between 6 months to a year.
Things to Avoid Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding Your baby’s tolerance to the specific food will change as he/she gets older and as Baby's system matures. ONLY IF your baby has tested positive for a food allergy, it is best to delay giving the problem food to your baby before 12 months.