Low Milk Supply How to Increase Breast Milk Naturally at Home Increasing your milk supply naturally at home is doable and doesn’t have to be daunting.
Interesting Sour Smelling Breast Milk Your milk is liquid gold for your baby. Every bit of effort you put into keeping it safe and nutritious is totally worth it.
Engorgement Breastfeeding Armpit Lump Even though 'pitties' can be an unwelcome surprise, remember that they represent one of the many remarkable ways your body adapts to support your baby.
Gassy Breastfed Baby Featured Breastfeeding Positions to Reduce Gas Certain positions can help your baby latch correctly and reduce the amount of air they swallow.
Is It Safe While Breastfeeding? Marijuana & Breastfeeding It might seem logical to assume that a plant boasting remarkable health benefits like cannabis would be deemed safe, right?
Low Milk Supply Featured Jungle Juice Breastfeeding Elixir Are you struggling to keep up with your baby's growing appetite? Don't worry, there's a tasty solution that might help – Jungle Juice!
Medical Issues 20 Natural Home Remedies for Colds and Flu While Breastfeeding Catching a cold or the flu can be challenging, but there are several natural remedies you can utilize to alleviate symptoms and promote a speedy recovery.
Attachment Parenting Self-Care Tips for Postpartum Wellness During the postpartum period, we need to learn how to balance our newborn's needs with our own.
Latching Issues Epidurals and Breastfeeding While some see it as a necessity for a more comfortable birthing experience, others worry about its potential impact on breastfeeding. This article aims to provide a well-rounded perspective to support mothers in making informed decisions.
Latching Issues Featured Navigating Breastfeeding Problems A breastfeeding journey, while rewarding, is often punctuated by challenges. These hurdles, however, are not insurmountable. Most breastfeeding problems can be effectively managed or resolved with the right information and support.
Attachment Parenting Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers Skin-to-skin contact can help initiate breastfeeding. It also helps regulate your baby's temperature and heart rate, making them feel safe.
Weight Loss/Gain Featured Balancing Breastfeeding and Fitness Finding the time and energy to fit exercise into an already packed day can be difficult, especially when you are sleep-deprived and adjusting to life with a new baby.
Interesting The Importance of Tummy Time Tummy time is an essential part of a baby's development, and it should be encouraged from an early age. It involves placing a baby on their stomach while they are awake to allow them to develop the strength in their neck muscles, which is necessary for rolling over, sitting up, and crawling.
Attachment Parenting Featured Breastfeeding Older Children There is no perfect or right time to stop breastfeeding your baby or toddler. The health benefits of breastfeeding continue for as long as you breastfeed.
Sore Nipples Featured Top Tips for Successful Nipple Shield Use A proper latch with a nipple shield should resemble a typical latch, where the baby's mouth is wide open and a significant portion of the mother's areola is inside the baby's mouth.
Bottle Feeding Featured Can You Mix Formula and Breast Milk? Mixing breast milk and formula is acceptable, although it's generally not the preferred choice. Human milk is a valuable bioactive material with many functions, not only nutritional.
Low Milk Supply Featured Does Chamomile Tea Increase Breast Milk Supply? This herbal beverage can benefit breastfeeding mothers because of its reported galactagogue effects. Essentially, this means that drinking this tea can induce better lactation.
Interesting Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding - Is It Possible? To make an informed decision, it's important to understand how breastfeeding can impact fertility and what other options are available.
Low Milk Supply 10 Natural Ways to Increase Your Low Milk Supply Don't worry if you're finding breastfeeding a challenge and struggling with a low milk supply, don't worry. There are natural solutions that can help increase your milk production. Here are ten tips to help boost your supply and make breastfeeding a little easier.
Is It Safe While Breastfeeding? Is Burdock Root Safe While Breastfeeding? The DrLact safety score for edible burdock root is 3 out of 8, which is considered low risk. This means that while there may be some minor side effects in the breastfed baby, most scientific studies and research papers suggest that the use of edible burdock root is low risk for lactating mothers.
Lactogenic Bodyarmor Breastfeeding During breastfeeding, mothers lose electrolytes, mainly through sweat and urine; thus, replenishing them is important for maintaining overall health.
Attachment Parenting Babywearing Babywearing can increase a mother's chances of breastfeeding by making it easier for her to keep her baby close, which can promote bonding and help the baby to latch on correctly.
Attachment Parenting Featured Baby Sleep Schedule - Improve Your Baby’s Sleep. Did you know that breast milk contains an amino acid that the body uses to produce melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep?
Interesting Breast Milk Cheese Breast milk cheese is a rare and unusual product that has garnered interest from a niche group of chefs and culinary artists.
Bottle Feeding How Long Is Breast Milk Good For? The longevity of breast milk depends on how it is stored. These guidelines will help prevent spoilage and ensure that your breast milk is safe for your baby to consume.